Secondary RE

Secondary Religious Education Curriculum Policy Document 2016  (ICE)
The official curriculum policy document for Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 for Religious Education in Ontario Catholic Schools approved by Ontario Catholic Bishops.

100 Years of Catholic Social Teaching (ACBO)
A letter written by Ontario Catholic Bishops about Catholic Social Teaching from 1891 until 1991. It identifies three phases in the development of these teachings.

A Place of Honour (CARFLEO)
This document is intended as a resource to help Ontario’s Catholic educators understand how their outreach to students at risk can be a powerful reflection of Catholic education’s distinctive values. As such, it highlights the why of our approach to students at risk, rather than how programs for these students are concretely delivered.

Called to Change the World (CCC)
Whatever you do – you do unto me is a rich Catholic resource which was developed in partnership by the Catholic Curriculum Corporation and Free The Children. It provides teachers with practical lessons for Grades 7, 10 and 11/12. The lessons, grounded in the Catholic Social Teachings, make the link from the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations and the Expectations of the Religious Education and Family Life Education documents to the work of Free The Children. The lessons provide engaging activities for learning, leading, serving and changing the world. — CCC Website

Celebrating an Education for Justice and Peace (ACBO)
A letter written to Ontario Catholic High School students about commitment to Social Justice by Ontario Bishops.


Financial Literacy and Religious Education (CCC)
In 2010, the Ontario Working Group on Financial Literacy articulated a vision: Ontario students will have the skills and knowledge to take responsibility for managing their personal financial well-being with confidence, competence and a compassionate awareness of the work around them. This outstanding new Catholic resource, Financial Literacy and Religious Education provides lessons which will help secondary teachers address the core content and competencies required for financial literacy through the lens of the religious education programs.

Leprosy in the World Today: Answering the Call to Care (CCC)
This resource was developed by the CCC in partnership with The Leprosy Mission Canada. Answering the Call to Care provides teachers with practical lessons for elementary and secondary students. The lessons, grounded in the Catholic Social Teachings, make the link from the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations and the expectations of the Religious Education and Family Life and cross-curricular connections, to the work of The Leprosy Mission Canada. The lessons provide faith-filled activities for learning about Leprosy in the world today and answering the call to assist those who are affected by the disease. — CCC Website

Rich Performance Tasks for Secondary Religion Courses (CCC) | Grade 9 | Grade 10 | Grade 11 | Grade 12
Note: Scroll down the page till you find the four files. Student engagement is always a challenge at secondary, especially in Religious Education Courses. Assessment and evaluation practices continue to evolve in light of ongoing research. The focus of this resource addresses both of these issues by assisting students in Grades 9-12 Religion classes to make a bridge not only between the concepts they are learning in class, but to authentically make connections between what they are learning and their own lives . The tasks are designed to not only focus and engage the students, but will also build community and respect in the classroom in light of the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations and the Ontario Catholic Secondary Curriculum Policy Document for Religious Education. — CCC Website

Secondary Critical Thinking Tasks and The Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations (CCC)
Secondary Critical Thinking Tasks and the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations provides lessons for secondary school teachers. The resource invites students to think critically about what they see and hear within the context of the OCSGEs and our Catholic social teachings. With this lens students will view and reflect upon various mentor artifacts. Based on the focus of the expectation, the mentor artifact and learning goal, secondary students are asked to respond to the critical thinking tasks in light of gospel values. — CCC Website

World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective (Nelson/Novalis)
World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective, published by Novalis Publishing Inc. and Nelson Education Ltd., is designed to: strengthen students’ understanding of their Catholic faith, engage students, support success for all students and support teachers.

Catholic Companion to Equity and Social Justice (2013) – Grade 12 University/College (ICE)
This course enables students to develop an understanding of the theoretical, social, and historical underpinnings of various equity and social justice issues and to analyse strategies for bringing about positive social change. Students will learn about historical and contemporary equity and social justice issues in Canada and globally. They will explore power relations and the impact of a variety of factors on equity and social justice. Students will design and implement a social action initiative relating to an equity or social justice issue.

The Catholic Film Reader: Reading and Making Film/Media Text with Meaning  (CCC)

Within Catholic Education authentic opportunities to analyze media text through a faith lens are a means to engage our students as discerning believers. It is with the goal to embrace media as a critical and urgent literacy that the Catholic Film Reader examines popular Hollywood film text through the lens of core gospel values.

Who I Am (EOCCC) Religious Education & Positive Mental Health and Wellness: Who I AM Makes A Difference Because Jesus Loves Me!   Download complete resources including lessons and accompanying music.