Secondary Family Life

Secondary Religious Education Policy Document (2016) (ICE)
The official curriculum policy document for Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 for Religious Education in Ontario Catholic Schools. 20 per cent of the expectations are devoted to Family Life. Currently, the Institute for Catholic Education is developing resources to support these expectations.

AIDS: A Catholic Educational Approach to HIV– Ontario Catholic Schools Second Edition (ICE)
Ontario Catholic Religious Educators are mandated to provide three lessons per year from the appropriate year in the AIDS curriculum. This is only available as a print resource from ICE.

Engaging the Conversation, A video created to help Catholic school staffs engage the conversation related to their experience of gay and lesbian students. (CARFLEO)

Family Life Videos (CARFLEO)
Short video clips featuring students, Dr. Derek Puddester and Prof. Moira McQueen on the challenges facing teens.

LGBTQ Stories A video produced for the Ontario College of Teachers presents a rich variety of perspectives on LGBTQ students and their issues. Video will be particularly helpful to staffs that wish to extend this conversation
Available as full presentation in medium and high resolution, as well as individual episodes with teachers, students and parents sharing their stories. (OCT)

Homosexuality and the Catholic High School (CARFLEO)
A publication by OCFLEN, a parent organization of CARFLEO, that explores different issues surrounding students with same-sex orientation.

Leprosy in the World Today: Answering the Call to Care (CCC)
This resource was developed by the CCC in partnership with The Leprosy Mission Canada. Answering the Call to Care provides teachers with practical lessons for elementary and secondary students. The lessons, grounded in the Catholic Social Teachings, make the link from the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations and the expectations of the Religious Education and Family Life and cross-curricular connections, to the work of The Leprosy Mission Canada. The lessons provide faith-filled activities for learning about Leprosy in the world today and answering the call to assist those who are affected by the disease. — CCC Website

Mental Health: Hope, Dignity and Our Compassionate Response – A Grade 9-10 Resource (CCC)
Over the past year the Ministry of Education has been developing a three year plan for Ontario school boards to support student mental health and well-being. This new resource provides a uniquely Catholic, faith-based perspective which will help teachers address a variety of mental health and mental illness topics, including strategies to address the stigma surrounding mental health. Teachers will have a range of activities which will engage students to think critically about the issues of mental health and to respond in a manner that is congruent with their faith. – CCC Website

Pastoral Guidelines to Assist Students of Same-Sex Orientation (ACBO)
This document was written at the request of the Education Commission of the Ontario Bishops, a team of Catholic educators developed this pastoral guideline for assisting students with a same-sex attraction. It is written to support school personnel in making Catholic school communities safe and nurturing for all students in their care. – from the Introduction

Respecting Difference (OCSTA)
The Catholic Trustees in consultation with the Bishops and other Catholic partners produced an alternative to the Ministry of Education’s application of their Equity and Inclusivity strategy with respect to Gay-Straight Alliances.- January 2012. For more documents see CARFLEO’s Equity and Inclusivity Links.