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Responding to challenges about God’s existence

There have been several recent  articles that point to the increase in young people who profess to belong to no religion at all (due to atheism, scientism, etc.), perhaps, a “prove it to me” generation?

Reasons to believe in God, and to believe that Jesus is God the Son in the flesh, perhaps need to be addressed more directly by way of Christian philosophy and/or logical formulations to encounter these young people “where they are at” (e.g., Aquinas’ demonstrations by reason of God’s existence).

It would be at least challenging to encourage young people to pray and be in personal relationship with the Lord, when they don’t think God is real and don’t think religion is reasonable.  Many teachers I have spoken with find that high school students in particular often wrestle with this aspect of faith, and some teachers are unaware of how to respond to these concerns.

Thankfully, these concerns are addressed in the new Grade 12 curriculum (discovering more fully the relationship of faith and reason, etc.), and I’m finding that some effort has been put forward online to support these struggling young people, as seen in the third link below.  As usual, care would need to be taken to see what online resources are suitable, etc. (some sites, like the fourth one below are non-Catholic Christian sites trying to respond to the “prove it to me” generation).

Why some Americans left religion behind | Pew Research Center

With the percentage of U.S. adults who do not identify with a religious group growing, we asked these people to explain, in their own words, why they left.

Why Catholics are leaving the faith by age 10 – and what …
Young Catholics are leaving the faith at an early age, between the ages of 10 and 13, a recent report by CARA claims. The findings show that young Catholics undergo a …

Twenty Arguments For The Existence Of God
In this section you will find arguments of many different kinds for the existence of God. And we make to you, the reader, an initial appeal. We realize that many …

The Minimal Facts of the Resurrection – Please Convince Me
The Minimal Facts of the Resurrection . written by Aaron Brake “The evidence for the resurrection is better than for claimed miracles in any other religion.

(Many thanks to Derek McEachern of Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board for pointing these out).

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