Posters from the Catholic Knowledge Network

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The Catholic Knowledge Network from the United Kingdom has designed posters for classrooms to  counter the dominant cultural narrative that Catholicism is anti-reason and anti-science. This poster project attempts to correct this impression and courteously contributes to a correct understanding of the place of Catholicism as a parent of Western civilisation.

Visually stunning posters of Catholic contributors to faith, science, reason and literature. Thomas Aquinas, Bede the Venerable and Hildegard of Bingen can be downloaded.  The other posters in the series (Guido d’Arezzo, Maria Agnesi, Georges Lemaître, Gregor Mendel and J.R.R. Tolkien) can be ordered from the Catholic Truth Society website.

One comment

  1. As always, thank you for sharing.

    Happy Family Day!

    Peace, Joy and Hope, Steve De Quintal Teacher, St. Mary’s CSS, 66 Dufferin Park Ave. Toronto, Ontario M6H-1J6. 416-393-5528 ext. 84293 “that they may have life and have it the full.” “Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.” – Marian Wright Edelman ***You can always email but a call or a visit will get a quicker response*** ________________________________

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