image Development and Peace

Development and Peace – Caritas Canada have a number of useful resources for Ontario Catholic educators


Theological and Liturgical Resources


International Programs

THINKfast is an interactive learning experience designed for youth. You can choose from a collection of activities and reflections that will help you and your group experience the challenges of poverty and injustice in concrete ways.
By participating in this 25-hour educational and fundraising fast you stand in solidarity with those in the Global South who need our support, both through financial support to projects they are leading, and through a greater understanding of the structures that perpetuate poverty and injustice. In one day, you take a stand against oppression and directly support programs in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East that bring about peace, justice, and development.


Graphic Novels


On Earth as it is in Heaven – A retreat package for secondary school students This retreat package invites students to explore their spirituality through the eyes of “God’s Kingdom”. The package has everything you need to organize a retreat, including ice breakers, and four activities and prayers that explore Catholic Social Teaching within the context of the work of Development and Peace.

The words of the Our Father make it clear that the Kingdom of God is to be built here on Earth, and that Kingdom is still far off as hunger, poverty and oppression plague our world. Jesus calls us to pray the words of the Our Father not only with our mouth but with our hands and feet as well. This retreat is designed to help us respond to that call.

The printing of this resource has been sponsored by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, and copies have been delivered to all Chaplaincy Leaders and the Heads of the Religious Education Departments of all English Catholic Secondary schools in Ontario. Further copies will be made available for order for Catholic schools outside of Ontario. To order a copy, contact Kathleen Ladouceur, Catholic Schools Program Officer, at or at 1-800-494-1401 ext. 229. -from their website

 Download the retreat package

Activities Database: Activities and Prayers for your THINKfast, classroom, workshop or meeting!



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