
Links to support HIV/AIDS education from a Catholic perspective.

CAFOD HIV and Health: prayers and faith

Caritas The Catholic Church is one of biggest global health providers. It runs 5,246 hospitals, 17,530 dispensaries, 577 leprosy clinics, 15,208 houses for the elderly, chronically ill and people with physical and learning disabilities worldwide. They also have links pages that summarize Vatican Resources on HIV/AIDS and Caritas on HIV/AIDS

Catholic Relief Services has been on the forefront of the epidemic since launching their first HIV project in Bangkok, Thailand, in 1986. Today, CRS and their partners directly support more than 4.8 million people affected by the epidemic. Resources are  found on the CRS HIV/AIDS Microsite

National Catholic AIDS Network The National Catholic AIDS Network was established in 1989 as the only United States Catholic organization devoted exclusively to helping the Church respond in an informed and compassionate manner to the challenges presented by the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

World AIDS Day Resources for preaching on the Sundays before and after Dec 1 from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.


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